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Inkpen Village Hall
is situated in Upper Green, Inkpen in West Berkshire, close to the village pond with lovely open fields behind and views stretching up to the Gibbet at the top of Walbury Hill.

Forthcoming Events/Classes:
We have a range of clubs, sports and wellbeing activities, social groups and hold regular village events in the hall that has served the community for almost 100 years. If you would like more information please choose the activity from the What's On menu above.
If you wish to hire the hall for your own party of event then please choose the Hire and Prices menu for full details.
We look forward to seeing you at the hall.

Inkpen Village Hall is a vital community resource, run entirely by a dedicated group of volunteers. But we can't do it alone! We're always on the lookout for enthusiastic individuals to join our team and help us keep this beloved amenity up and running. If you're passionate about supporting your local community and want to make a meaningful difference, we'd love to have you on board. Whether you're a long-time resident of Inkpen or new to the area, there are plenty of ways you can get involved and lend a helping hand.

From event planning and fundraising to maintenance and upkeep, there's something for everyone at Inkpen Village Hall. So why not join us today and become part of a dynamic and supportive team?

Give us a call at 0756 828 4750 to learn more about volunteering opportunities and how you can help us make a real difference in our community.

Thank you!

Regular Activities
carpet bowls
Village Events
  • Market

  • Quizzes

  • Burns Night

  • Jumble Sales

Private Hire

Inkpen Sports Pavilion 


Sports Pavilion Inkpen Village Hall 2023

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